Sunday, January 26, 2020

Role Of Media In Politics Media Essay

Role Of Media In Politics Media Essay Globalization has allowed us access to be more informed through the internet, radio, television and many other types of media, as we all know the role of media is to inform us about issues of the everyday life. So let me ask you a question do you trust the media you read or see and do you think informing us is their only role? Well through this essay you will learn the role of media in politics like the influence the media plays in presidential elections, For example if the media likes a presidential candidate it can help his career but it can also destroy his career. We will also see the influence they have on peoples every day decisions, lastly we will see how the different types of media have different impacts in politics, economy, education and so on. Keep reading and you will get a handful of information. According to the journalist Thomas Carlyle Media is often called the fifth branch of governments After the Congress, the President, the Supreme Court, and the federal bureaucracy, saying that no other institution has such an impact on governments as the media has. Well I think I have to agree with Thomas even though the media members are not elected by the people and its motives are often driven by profit. When we listen or hear the media we tend to believe it because we assume they have done some research and the information we are receiving is true. But media sometimes takes sides for example in the Colombian recent elections the media played a key role in influencing the public vote, since the two main channels in Colombia are owned by wealthy families that preferred Juan Manuel Santos over the other candidates I would probably have to say that is why we saw more propaganda for Santos than for Mockus or any other candidate and also favoritism from the two channels. Media also play s a crucial role in shaping a democracy, democracy being the art of how states related with each other used to be secret but now thanks to media is very public and the government doesnt have its privacy like it used to. Nevertheless, the media can also be good since it makes us aware of various social, political and economical activities happening around us. The media in Latin America has evolved and become more active over the time that is why the modern media reminds politicians about their unfulfilled promises and relations with other countries they promised during elections. For example the Colombian media, when it comes to the war with the guerrilla they cover what politicians do not want us to see because it may be too grotesque and make the population scared, maybe the politicians are right in not lettings us see such grotesque pictures but I think is also important to know what is also happening in the country you live in and most importantly in the world. Television allows us to see live the major political events in fact Television has become so important that is the major platform of communication between political figures and the citizens. Television plays an important role in political socialization, helping both children and adults to acquire knowledge about the political system and how it operates. This type of media has allowed nations economies to rise at unprecedented levels, also accelerating the urbanization trend and lastly it has also influenced the high schools and universities to pour millions of graduates every year. Television with the help of the radio has increased the number of voters for presidential elections since together they have reached less educated and less involved sections of the population. Nowadays we can say that the main role of television is to be a watchdog on government actions since they exercised the greatest influence on governments by pressuring them, in other words television is the bridge be tween the people and the government. But television also has its down sides for example the Latin American society has suffered a crisis of confidence of governmental private documents going public, Due to this Venezuelas president Hugo Chavez has entered to control what journalists are allowed to say in Venezuelas television, He is also controlling the access to the internet keeping the people from Venezuela informed in only what he thinks is good for them to know. Another type of media is the newspaper when I say newspaper I am also referring to magazines like semana. An essential function of the newspaper is to bring us news of all around the world, without newspapers we would be like a baby who knows nothing of the outside world. Newspapers keep citizens informed about the political activities of their governments, they give in detail the statements and the speeches made by presidents or other political figures at public meetings or congresses. Newspapers now a days due to their freedom of speech criticize governments on what they do wrong and advice them. They also describe the economic policies of the government for example they describe its import and export policies, its economic development, and the prices of different things to keep people aware. Newspapers gives the same information as television does, the only difference is that is more detailed and specific. Newspapers also describe the problems of unemployment, farmers struggle wit h the guerrilla. Newspapers also convey information regarding the different crimes taking place every day they inform us about the political, economic and social changes occurring everyday in different countries, They give descriptions of the revolutions in different parts of the world, they provide descriptions of changes taking place in other societies in the fields of education, agriculture and a country defense preparation for war. But not everything is news they also have a space to relax with great comics and crossword puzzles. In the recent years the Internet has not replaced the influence of newspapers, radio, or television. However the internet has an advantage over the older media types since The Internet is an interactive medium that allows citizens to send information as well as receive it in real time, something that television and newspapers dont allow. In Colombias latest election the presidential candidates were able to developed web sites to support their campaigns. They also developed groups in facebook, twitter and many other websites, by this new form of communication presidential candidates were able to reach new audiences on the World Wide Web, creating the potential for an even greater influence in society. We could say that the key word for the Internet and politics is power. The 2010 Colombian presidential campaign demonstrated the power of the Internet to raise funds for candidates by collecting contributions via the Websites, Thats why I say dont be surprise next time the presidential c andidate debates are via chat rooms. Among the main internet users are the young adults maybe this is a reason why it has become so important since we are the leaders of tomorrow. The internet serves many functions to society some of them are that is serves as virtual community, information source, employment portal for jobseekers, research center, discussion forum, and entertainment center, among others. The internet brings together buyers and sellers and facilitates the flow of information, making it a key driver of trade. It also has some benefits like doing fast business gathering new ideas but the internet is not as great as it sounds it also has some limitations like the hackers or the privacy control problems we are facing right now I guess we will just have to wait and for the solutions. The last type of media we are going to analyze is the radio since its the oldest one with the most advantages. The most important advantage that radio offers is its ability to reach specific audiences through specialized programming. Radio can be adapted for different parts of the country and can reach people at different times of the day, For example radio is the ideal media for reaching people driving. When the radio first appeared it gave great potential for improving living conditions in the rural areas in Latin America. It is the most universal mass communication medium and is presently the cheapest type of media. Radio has also some effects in society the Excessive coverage of sensitive and violent news has led to communal riots at times in the case of Colombia the sindicatos when they found out about plan Colombia they formed a riot to stop the trade agreement of Colombia with the united states since they were going to be damaged by it. The constant repetition of news especial ly the violent ones can have major impacts especially on kids and make them repeat what they see for example if kids see a shooting they might be tempted to buy a gun and shoot their friends I know its a bit exaggerated but its just an illustration of how much power the media has on society as a whole.The media also plays a role in international political affairs as well, For example when Colombias government invaded Raul Reyes Camp people were all for it they were proud of the Colombian soldiers but when the internet and television stations started showing the other countries reactions a lot of people gave their back to the Colombian government saying they dint respected their neighbors and that they were disappointed on Colombia even though Colombia had already apologize to Ecuador. Radio and the other types of media also play an important role in war, in other words war is good for the media business because despite the excessive costs of sending correspondents for coverage, usin g expensive satellite equipment and airtime, war is precisely the type of event on which the media earns most of their money. A lot of the times the information is transformed and converted to be more dramatic that is why we should work with the media to help them focus in peace agreements and not so much in yellow news. In conclusion the Medias specific role in politics and society is informing us through persuasion always trying to influence us in our decisions. That is why media should have more clearly defined restrictions as to what they can write or cannot write. The media should be obligated to tell the truth and not manufacture or elaborate stories, even if it does not sound as good. Even though most of the television news stations are owned by wealthy individuals, they should not be so biased. The media and the politicians only want us to see what a perfect world we live in, so they tend to hide the truth or work their way around it. We can also conclude that the media has positive and negative things and that is good to read, listen or see the news but most importantly what I recommend is not to believe everything they tell us because they always come with a twist so just make your own decisions based on what you believe in and not letting yourself be influenced by anything. Through this es say we also saw the different types of media and their roles and how in the future the internet is going to be the most important type of media since it allows us to send information and receive information. Finally I recommend to the media to focus a little bit more in peace coverages than on violent news even though they sell better. The End BLIBLIOGRAPHY: Aronson, JD (2005) causes and consequences of the communication and internet revolutionin: Baylis J. Smith(2005). Globalization of world politics: an introduction to international relations. Oxford university press. Pg 621-643 comparing media systems: three models of media and politics (Daniel C. Hallin, Paolo Mancin pg 1-46) University of Haifa; Better-looking politicians get more media coverage.  (2010,  July). NewsRx Health Science,55.   Retrieved September 18, 2010, from Research Library. (Document ID:  2080833321). Cindy T Christen,  Ã‚  Albert C Gunther.  (2003). The influence of mass media and other culprits on the projection of personal opinion.  Communication Research,  30(4),  414-431.   Retrieved September 18, 2010, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID:  373810331). The Role of the Media in the Consolidation of Democracy in Latin America, The Latin American Program of the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars,  Volume 7, Issue 2, February 2005 Lazaroiu,  G..  (2010). NEW MEDIA AND THE NATURE OF THE NEWS MARKET.  Economics, Management and Financial Markets,  5(1),  189-195.   Retrieved September 18, 2010, from Research Library. (Document ID:  2084371381). Television and Politics, Tom Brennan, Article first published online: 24 AUG 200s DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-923X.1978.tb02221.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

To What Extent Was the Financial Crisis Caused by Too Much or Too Little Government Intervention?

Discussed in this essay will be key factors that played in the development of the financial crisis of 2007, an overview of the causes and instruments used to the build up and possible preventions, followed by the influences from the government, if any that had an underlining effect toward the outcome. The Involvement Of New Bank Innovations Bank capital has a massive influence on the banking system effecting loan defaults, profits and lending, although the amount of outstanding lending has not decreased appropriately in early 2007, not being due to new lending but the previous loan commitments, lines of credit and securitisation. . New innovations have allowed banks reliant on funding market sources, with the rise in the covered bond market and the increase in securitisation made banks dependant on capital markets and less dependant on expanding their loan base allowing banks to easily switch deposits to other forms of financing, acquiring funds from affiliates for example.2 Growth i n securitisation activity created a lack of incentive for banks to grant credit and comply with monetary policy changes, an unregulated approach to the screening of borrowers, checks would assume securities passed through the market allowing borrowers in the past declined credit being able to qualify and later on would lead to greater default rates on loans.Thinking that by selling the pool of mortgages banks are also passing on the risk, they exposed themselfs , their underwriting issuances, when the market collapsed banks suffered great losses with their related products, by the start of 2008 CDO related write downs and credit losses had reached $181 billion the massive decline lead to more cautious investors, greater liquidity demand and declining stock, this resulted in massive losses to the bank and securities firms, an example would be the collapse of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers using these examples shows how complex the system was and lead to the decline of CDO value thi s had a direct relation to the US housing market which began early 2007. Derivatives And Insurance The market for subprime mortgages and their securities grew and increased the market for default insurance, taking the form of credit default swaps a derivative security such as the insurance industry this involves gambling, and is estimated $16 trillion greater then the gross domestic product.Government sponsored companies like Fannie Mae refused to lend to buyers wanting to purchase homes in poor areas, agreeing to these terms they would have to show proof, distributing quotas of mortgages to ethnic minorities wishing to buy, when lenders were unable to meet these quotas Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac persuaded lenders to buy subprime mortgages. A poor investment which was made worse by the fact that charges to subprime borrower were at a higher interest rate increasing the risk of default, for lenders it didn’t matter the worth of the investment just as long as they could sell to the secondary mortgage market. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac packaged mortgages to sell the securities solely based on mortgage payments from the mortgages accumulated, creating securities based on the initial first/last claims of mortgage payments.These companies showed a small profit margin using securitisation but were soon to lose after paying over the odds on subprime mortgages and not enough on the default insurance they provided. 4. The resell of a mortgage to a secondary market is commonly known as a mortgage backed security which is often bought by a hedge fund, which then takes out parts of the MBS from the 2nd or 3rd years of the interest only loans, this creates a greater risk but provides a high interest payment, using CDOs with other MBS to then resell to other hedge funds this is known as tranche, profitable until housing prices decline or interest rates restart, making mortgages default.Mortgages provide substantial value for derivatives, if the substantial value is cl assed as corporate debt, credit card debt or auto loans the derivative known as CDO, a payment that is due within a year, for instance insurance it can then be known as a CDS, a complicated market to value, unregulated by the SEC means that a lack of rules and oversights were unable to encourage trust and when bankruptcy occurs results in fear amongst the hedge funds and the banking system. Credit Rating Agencies Credit rating agencies share a fair amount of blame for the financial crisis, very little regulations regarding rating methods and lack corporate governance. The past 2 years changes in the rating system of structured redit has grown evermore unstable and has created a lack of confidence toward the future stability of credit ratings. CRAs lowered credit risk by applying AAA ratings to tranches like that of CDOs, giving the same ratings to government and corporate bonds creating lower returns, poor rating assessments underestimated credit default risks of subprime mortgages, providing unreliable data relating to the subprime market and underestimated relations in the defaults that would occur in a downturn, and with more securitisation meant greater portions of credit assets were held by investors assured by credit ratings, increasing the effects of forced selling by corporations using standard investment rules based on ratings.5. Hedge Funds. The hedge fund industry has grown over the past 2 years, fueled by the demand of higher returns from stock market declines and mounting pension fund liabilities, these inflows have had a positive effect on hedge fund returns and risks in recent years, this has been evident in the changes in reduced performance, increased illiquidity, hedge funds were designed by wealthy investors to work anonymously. At times of financial uncertainty rates on low credit illiquid investments, demand for high credit liquid investments, accompanied by the increase in credit spreads lead to greater margin calls and the relaxing of il liquid positions which generate further losses concluding the hedge fund collapse, these funds relied heavily on leverage and used to buy mortgages, as soon as loans were to default, 9investors left and were faced with abrupt liquidation.Credit spread is the strongest to affect hedge funds and during the crisis they were left with contact to emerging markets and convertible bond arbitrage. Hedge funds have been effected by the instability of the current financial market, bans on short selling, downturn on asset values in markets, the decline to take risks through banks and investors, The banking system is also affected through hedge fund risk from proprietary trading activities, credit arrangements, structured products and prime brokerage services. 6. The government played a part in the crisis in a number of ways, Interest rates were kept below guidelines globally prior to 2007 the unregulated structure of how mortgages were packaged and low risk assessment lead to the ise of house prices and the involvement towards the persuasion to buy MBS with Fannie Mae and similar companies which lead to their bankruptcy. 7 Due to the unpredictable downturn of the situation in late 2007 with complex financial products, a lack of equilibrium in credit ratings, bans and the premature sell out of investors in hedge funds, has created a domino effect in the financial market and resulted in the governments failure to identify the real issues in the collapse, polices associated with liquidity were put forward to only create matters worse, and finally realising the failure of the subprime mortgage market the Troubled Asset Relief Program was brought forward to no effect.The unregulated banking system created instability and was inevitable for the bailouts of banks and failing companies. The government had very little influence toward the preventions of the crisis and that in turn made them heavily responsible for each factor described above, the lack of regulation and constraint s to which resulted in massive cash bailouts with no conditions, this worked as an incentive for the banks to continue as they were, this is evident in the continuation of bonuses despite substantial losses with banks the governments generosity with bailouts allowed companies like Goldman Sachs to put $2. 6 billion aside for bonuses from a $13 billion bailout.

Friday, January 10, 2020

What You Need to Know About Dui Essay Topics

What You Need to Know About Dui Essay Topics In a few nations, second DUI contributes to execution. What you need to bear in mind is that the DUI attorney is in a place to challenge the DUI charge as a result of his knowledge regarding blood tests. In fact, many law enforcement agencies all around the world believe the association between the increase quantity of roadblocks and the decrease amount of drunk drivers, and they've set up more DUI checkpoints on the street in the previous few decades. Setting more DUI checkpoints cannot only arrest drivers but in addition deter people. Plus, there's also a chance that your personal relationships may get affected. What you have to bear in mind that in the event that you get jailed, then it can impact your future prospects to receive a job. Group topics are made to stimulate the contemplative and action phases of change. If you're honest with your lawyer in the very first meeting and expect exactly the same from him in return, the n you are going to not need to take care of any issues at the conclusion of the day. Dui Essay Topics: the Ultimate Convenience! A drinking age essay could have a look at the way the legal age for drinking was revised over time and the significance of a legal age limit. Because most DUI stops happen to individuals who don't feel that they've become drunk, an individual who chooses to drive does not even look at the fine he may receive, whatever the amount. The point is, if you're most likely to take risks, you must admit it to yourself. The issue with drinking at a young age is that you become addicted quickly and for the remainder of your life as it's almost not possible to quit drinking then. Key Pieces of Dui Essay Topics Most men and women get enthusiastic regarding the very first session with the attorney. The mistake most individuals make is they go for DUI lawyers who might not have the crucial expertise in the condition of arrest. What they prefer is that they want the lawyer to reduce jail time. For example, they are oblivious to how they should hire the best DUI lawyer. If you want to write on DUI attorneys, then it's vital that you should first do your bit of research. Alcohol is an important element in traffic accidents. Top Dui Essay Topics Secrets The best method to avoid obtaining a DUI is to prevent drinking and driving entirely. At times drinking may appear harmless, but it's especially when one will operate vehicles. Another effective means to stop drunk driving is to get a designated driver when out drinking. There's never such a thing as only a drive down the street when you could be drunk. Indeed, you cannot just write drunk driving is bad. Since drunk driving has devastating effects, it is necessary to consider ways that will likely reduce or if at all possible eliminate incidents of drunk driving. In the long term, drunk driving is a critical issue and should be prevented. As can be viewed, drunk driving isn't to be dismissed. It is, therefore, of utmost importance for you to make sure all the info you have in your paper is accurate and updated. The main reason is there are basically only two big things you will have to write about in your problem and solution essay, making it so much simpler to research info and structure the paper. Now that you've selected your subject, you might proceed to learning the issue and solution essay format and structure. Writing an issue and solution essay might appear challenging in the beginning, but as soon as you've got your subject, you're golden. When you compose an essay on a legal subject, then it's important to receive your facts straight, and it's essential to include all the crucial points. Essays on this topic are especially common if you're a law student or if you're learning something linked to the law. Cause and effect essays are extremely common essay types. The End of Dui Essay Topics Solution is a procedure or action that settles the issue. Problem is a question that needs solution. Rate the ways of problem solution you've found. Definitions of Dui Essay Topics Superior writing is normally a result of a mix of passion and fashion. If you are going to make an argumentative essay on drunk driving, then the very first thing you will need is a stance you will take on the paper. Get all the information that you need and gather all the facts, then be sure your writing style binds the info in a means that's interesting to the reader and that it communicates the information clearly. Our customized service is abo ut to help you choose a custom persuasive topics for your college essay when you place an order with us. Lies You've Been Told About Dui Essay Topics Most attorneys will advise you to stay quiet and don't face the prosecutors all on your own. Your attorney may also ask you in case you have any pending judgment. The law is extremely clear wherever your home is. The laws for DUI charges differ in each individual state, but all of them come to the exact same basics. A DUI is virtually an instantaneous means to lose your capability to drive a business vehicle. Many employers require employees to have the ability to drive a business vehicle and keep up a clean driving record. The growth in fines, however, would prove completely ineffective and don't have any impact whatsoever on the sum of drunk driving that happens. If you drank alcohol and got in your vehicle to drive you're a criminal.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Human Resource Planning Reflective Statement Business Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 12 Words: 3749 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? In a perfectly competitive market if companies are to maximize profits, they need to manage their human resources better. An example can be cited to explain that better. Presuming the selling price of an article is $15. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Human Resource Planning Reflective Statement Business Essay" essay for you Create order If profits are to be maximized, prices cannot be increased because perfect competition exists. If the cost price of the article was considered to be $13, it is evident that the profits in such a case would be $2. The only way the company can maximise its profit is by cutting down on the cost of production of the article as the option of providing the same quality at an increased price is not a viable option. Since it is not feasible on its part to influence the prices of the raw materials, it is left with the only option of trying to influence its man-power to increase its efficiency and as such facilitating better and higher production. It is further to be noted that man power is the only cost-of-production factor which can be effectively and hugely influenced with a little better supervision. Introduction Human man-power are the most important wealth of an organization. The success or failure of an organization greatly depends on the ability of the people working therein. Without positive and innovative contributions from humans, companies cannot progress. If an organization wants to achieve its goals, they need to recruit people with the necessary skills, qualifications and experience (Jackson Schuler, 1995, Sparrow, Paul, et al 2004)). While doing so, they have to keep the present as well as the future requirements of the organization in mind. Human man-power is the most important wealth of an organization. The health of an organization can be largely attributed to the skill of the man-power currently employed by it . For the organization to be successful in the long run it has to be able to tap its man-power skills most cost-effectively . If it aims to be successful in the long run, the organization should be able to recruit the rightly qualified man-power and which it can fu rther train most cost effectively to achieve its dreams (Jackson Schuler, 1995, Sparrow, Paul, et al 2004)). Nevertheless, the organization aims and goals have to be always kept in mind while recruiting manpower. Targeted Training and Development The unending spirit of self-motivation amongst the manpower at Infosys and an organizational obligation to continuous self development keeps the company ahead in a fast-developing industry. This constant self development programme at Infosys is structured around a host of dedicated workshops for its employees (Infosys, 2010). These include key schemes such as the Infosys Leadership Institute and also various in-progress management development and personal improvement programs. A lot of training programs also include technological training to keep employees abreast with the latest technology. The training plan provides a succession of efforts as employees advance their career. When an employee joins the company, he begins his training with an induction programme and later leadership trainings are given as and when they take more responsibilities. Training at Infosys includes the following: Technical training by Education Research department: The company has an entry-level technical training program, lasting 14 weeks. Academic institutions have certified this training as being of the level of a BS training in America. The Education Research (ER) department at Infosys provides many regular training sessions to middle level employees also. Quality Process Training: Quality is a major factor at Infosys and there are tailor made training programmes for specific role jobs such as Software Engineer, Programmer Analyst, etc. Personal Effectiveness and Managerial Programs: The company also has training programs to improve the managerial skills and leadership abilities, achieve company goals and create high performing multicultural teams. ILI: The Infosys Leadership System: The Infosys Leadership System (ILS) and the Infosys Leadership Institute (ILI) deal with the subject of continuous growth and helps create a system for developing leadership abilities in Infoscions. ILI is based at an ultra modern building, in Mysore, India The learning mantra at Infosys has been to bestow the participants with the understanding to find the best result, instead of showing a single method of work and also to relate to real life conditions. They also encourage employees to undertake further studies with fee refund if they are eligible. The selected few 400 of the 58,409 employees identified as high potential Infoscions go through a three-year leadership journey that includes training, actionising personal development programme, communicating with other participants, understanding the company better and resolving real business issues. The note prepared by the ILI faculty enumerates the nine pillars for leadership development as (The Hindu, 2010): 1. 360 degree feedback In order to know about the ability of an employee and how he is performing, the company collects information from other employees in his department; both juniors and seniors and also from clients. With the help of this feedback, personal development plans (PDPs) are set for each employee and he is allocated an ILI faculty member who guides the individual on how to follow the PDP. 2. Development assignments On the basis of the above PDPs, employees with good capability are chosen and are entrusted jobs outside their department and areas of speciality. This helps them attain leadership skills beyond their existing areas of specialization. 3. Infosys Culture workshops Culture workshops are organized with a view to underpin the Infosys culture amongst the employees. These workshops also help employees improve communication skills because of continuous interaction amongst themselves. 4. Development relationships This exercise involves communicating on a one-to-one basis during work and mentoring is an essential part of this. This helps in improving communication among employees and also in sharing of knowledge. 5. Leadership skills training These exercises are conducted by top officials of the company including CEO and Managing Director and participants are the Tier 1 employees. These are held in order to inculcate leadership skills among them through the vast experience of the CEOs and Directors. 6. Feedback intensive programmes These programs are similar to 360 degree feedback, but there is one difference that these are based on both formal and informal responses obtained from other workers that the concerned employee interacts with. 7. Systemic process learning This exercise is conducted with a view to enable the participant to obtain a general understanding of the processes of the company and how it functions. This helps in improving the employees as also the systems. 8. Action learning This exposes the individual to on-the-job problems and involves solving the same, albeit as a team. 9. Community empathy The company realises the importance of fulfilling its obligations towards the society and justifies the same by organizing various socially motivated schemes both educational and developmental in nature. These programs cultivate a sense of responsibility amongst its leaders towards the society. Staffing Policies Apart from its regular staffing process which includes campus recruitment, advertisement on major job portals (, and and internal recruitment it also goes in for temporary reinstatement of retired executives and staff that the company has already laid off if the company is not able to find a suitable candidate by the regular staffing methods. Also there is the Infosys Internship Program, Instep where students from schools such as Stanford Graduate School of Business, MIT Sloan School of Management, Harvard Business School and the Said Business School of Oxford have been competing to visit Infosys Bangalore campus. Infosys Technologies Ltd. recently announced its first large-scale plan to recruit 300 college graduates from universities in the United States and 25 graduates from the United Kingdom as part of an ongoing commitment to create a diversified, global workforce. In 2005 06, Infosys doubled the percentage of non-Indian employees, hiri ng more than 25 different nationalities (Karnataka, 2006). Infosys Technologies Ltd (Infosys) has been recognized amongst the top 16 Asian companies to be listed in the prestigious Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) study, 2009. Infosys has won the Asian MAKE award six times in the past and is one of the five Indian companies amongst the leading Asian corporations to have won the award this year (Infosys, 2010). Linking Corporate Strategy with HR Strategy Corporate Strategy HR Strategy Expand Geographically Creation of diverse workforce. The company has employees from 70 nationalities working across 90 countries. Providing best business solutions Employing the best quality human resources Vision To be a globally respected organisation that provides best of breed business solutions, leveraging technology, delivered by best in class people. The primary corporate strategy adopted by Infosys is globalization viz geographical diversification. It has very well linked this strategy to its HR strategy of creation of diverse workforce having over 91,000 employees from 70 nationalities working across 90 countries. Any company intending to be global mainly needs to focus on their  corporate culture.  Most companies have an ethno-centric  corporate culture.  Initially when Infosys was small, it had all its clients and employees in India.  All its executives were and still are of Indian ethnicity. Therefore its  corporate culture is mainly influenced by Indian culture. When newer development centres are opened in other countries, the Indian corporate culture un-intentionally permeates and tries to inspire the local culture. If these two cultures are totally opposite, the company finds it difficult to maintains its leadership as it might tend to hamper the manpower productivity. As suc h, ethno-centric  corporate culture  may restrain the aim of any company going global. Nevertheless, if it were to have executives at the top with different cultural background , this ethno-centric corporate culture can easily be managed and motivated to achieve the organisation goals. As such, Infosys needs to have multi-ethnic executives at its top level before it can concentrate on its ground-level multi-ethnic workforce.  That will have a long term and positive effect on the multi-cultural background workforce and help the organization in attaining a truly global nature.  That is the  only  way for Infosys or any other company to achieve globalization (IT Strategy, 2010).  Also, another corporate objective of Infosys is providing the best business solutions among all its competitors. In taking this strategy forward, the company being in a knowledge based industry, emphasizes on the quality of human resource. The company mostly recruits people with the best academic records, in other words the crà ¨me de la crà ¨me of the graduates. The major issues challenges faced by HR Manager are: Health Welfare, retirement, change management, compensation, Employee rewards, HR effectiveness measurement, HR technology selection implementation, industrial relations, Leadership development, Learning and development, Legal/Regulatory compliance, MA integration/restructuring, Organizational effectiveness, Outsourcing, Staffing: mobility of employees, Recruitment and availability of skilled local labour, retention and succession planning. Professor Ghoshals 3 P Approach (Ghoshal Bartlett, 1998) Todays leading companies are built around the three Ps of Purpose, Process and People. Leading from the forefront, men at the top have to inculcate organisational values amongst its workforce including the fact that the goal of the organisation is common and can be achieved only if was shared by all. It is utmost important that the complete workforce transpires to achieve this common goal by all doing their part/work to their best. As such the management has to actively and constantly thrive/work to continually self-motivate the work force and help them work to their potential while at the same time bringing it most clearly out in the open their own commitment towards achieving the common goal. In this process they help cultivate this feeling of self-importance amongst the work force. As Ghoshal states: You cannot have faith in people unless you take action to improve and develop them. He further emphasises that the achievement of the goals of a business entirely depends on t he skills and self-motivation of its manpower and to be able to achive such a situation, he further promotes the thought that organisations need to develop a new moral contract with their people. True for Infosys!! The attitude of management towards their employees is the key factor here. Here is a company that gives utmost importance to its work force who they believe are the main people and because of which the company is on its pre-planned course to achieving its goals. As its saying goes Powered by Intellect. Driven by Values is absolutely true for this company. In order to be able to achieve its pre-planned objectives and critical strategies, Infosys believes in deploying the right candidates with the right skills at the right time and place. The existing work force is taken into account before it takes any initiative/steps to overcome the possibilities of man power shortage in the near future and which might hamper its aim to achieving its goals. It also takes into consideration alternative ways of organizing jobs for example Production at its helm could be handled by temporary workers or allowing the regular work force to work for extended hours. As regards to the supply of employees, it takes into account the effect of various HR programs on employees joining the company. It then determines how well the existing programs are doing before forecasting the need of additional programs. Accurate forecasting also plays an important role as their might be big gap between current HR situation and desired HR situation. Various uncertain-factors including new competitors, changes in technology, changes in social, political and economic climate, unstable product demand, etc., and factors which promote stability including competitive position, slow developing technology and stable product demand also play a key role helping the company to forecast. Hiring Strategy Infosys recruits candidates who have had a consistent background in their ac ademic life-time. For more skilled jobs, the knowledge of the required skill is the preferred selection criteria. The written test normally encompasses simple puzzles from books of renowned writer like Shakuntala Devi. The main criteria is for average communication skills and of-course the proper knowledge of the English Language. The Equity Continuum (TWI Inc., 2010). Though Infosys has full faith in its current top leaders, it has inducted into its future leadership program a group of 400 people, who have been selected from all over the globe, which it believes and intends to train to take over the helm of the company in the near future. This is in tune with the companys multi-ethnic employees culture where the only factor of consideration is the individuals skill and aptitude. Its diverse workforce of over 91,000 employees from 70 nationalities working across 90 countries rationalises its score of 5 on the Equity continuum. Armstrong (2006) outlines that the rewards such as employee benefits and non financial compensation are given in accordance with the employees contribution to the firm , skill level and their market worth as dictated by current factors in the internal and /or external environment . Infosys was one of the first companies in India to introduce an Employee Stock Option Scheme. The company intr oduced the iRace (Infosys Role and Career) program under which only those professionals who have proved their set-skills over a period of time are eligible for further promotions (Infosys 2010). However there were a few employees (about 5% of the total workforce), who did not co-relate with the initiative because they felt that there would be disheartenment among the fellow team members if this criteria was to be strictly followed. Besides at Infosys a few staff was demoted from their existing positions. This was a cause of resentment amongst quite a few of the workforce. In order to make it more appealing to a wider section of workers, the policy of demotion should be removed or done in the rarest of cases. Sources of Recruitment Internal Sources External Sources Promotions Campus Recruitment Internal Notification Job Portals Transfers -Management Training/Internships Recall Schemes Forced Applications The main recruitment processes at Infosys include cam pus recruitment, internship programme advertisement on major job portals (, and and internal recruitment. Besides, the company also goes in for temporary reinstatement of retired executives and staff that the company has already laid off. Every IT graduate aspires to be a part of the Infosys team and the company employs the best people in the industry. Needless to say, the recruitment process is very good. Selection and Induction To select mean to choose. Selection is the process of picking persons who have applicable credentials to fit into relevant jobs in an organisation. The central purpose is to select the right candidate with the requisite set of skills most appropriate for a job. To fulfil this requirement, the company takes into consideration the candidates age, qualifications, skills, experience, etc. so as to match the required skill-set with the profile of the candidate. The be-fitting candidate is then selected from amongst all the aspiring. How well an employee is matched to a job is very important because it is directly proportional to the amount and quality of an employees work. The selection methods generally adopted by Infosys are preliminary interview, ability test with special stress on English proficiency, general aptitude test and final interview. The general aptitude test is similar to the GMAT taken at most B-Schools the difficulty level of which is quite high thus ensuring that th e best talent in the industry is recruited. Thus the organisations selection methods are of quite high standard. The disadvantage of such a selection process however is that, at times a great deal of time is lost before the right candidate can be employed for the position besides being a costly affair on the companys part. Instead of such a time consuming procedure, the company can resort to employing people from competitors in similar positions. Induction refers to the process of familiarisation with the organisation and settling into the job. The selection process is only the beginning of the employee-employer relation the future of which solely depends on how satisfyingly . Labour obsolesce is highest among newer recruits and the required efficiency is reached only after the candidate has adjusted well into his role and to his work environment. Success Factor Scale (1 to 5) Review the positioning of the induction 4 Coverage of the induction programme 5 App oint a mentor 4 Plan the induction and involve and inform others 5 Prepare the work area 5 Introduce the recruit to the organisation and the department 5 Emphasize the importance of organization policies and procedures 5 The induction programme at Infosys covers general organizational induction training, technical and departmental induction training as well as managerial executive induction training (wherever applicable). It is thus quite extensive and covers everything that a new recruit should know. The employee who is to be appointed as mentor is informed in advance and a mail about the induction is circulated within the department where the new employees have been recruited. Often the selected new recruit is sent to DC or Development Centres for a period ranging from 3-6 months whereby he/she works on live projects. In the general organizational induction training, the employee is given a rigorous training as regards the organization policies and pr ocedures. There is a three-tier mentoring process at Infosys (The Hindu, 2010) Tier-1 of the Infosys Management Council, which consists of the companys board of directors, mentors Tier-2 leaders who in turn guide the Tier-3 group. About 45 executives are a part of the companys Tier-1 of the management council. And each of the leaders undergoes exhaustive and sustained training through the companys personal development programme PDP. Infosys training programmes are designed to enable company professionals enhance their skill sets in tune with their respective roles. The spirit of improvement, constant individual and professional growth is most apparent in how the company manages its physical, technology, or human resources. Projects such as the Infosys Leadership Institute are targeted continuous managerial growth and personal improvement. A multitude of technology advancement and other training programs provide training to employees in explicit areas of know-how, manage ment, leadership and communication skills. Employees can also pursue their interests in areas such as arts, culture, or sports. Besides having an, Art Gallery which displays art made by employees of Infosys, there are daily quizzes and regular music gatherings that keeps creativity alive at work. Inculcom hosts cultural programs for Infoscions. Apart from these, one can see food courts (offering Chinese, Indian, continental, etc). at Infosyss campus. Theres also a swimming pool, theres a library, internet access volley ball courts, tennis courts and the reason why all this has been done is the company believes in flexible work hours. InSync, an internal communication program focuses on keeping the Infoscion aware of the latest developments in the organization. Then there is the Toastmasters Club. It provides a platform for employees to develop communication and leadership skills. Such a relaxed atmosphere at work keeps the employees stress free and draws them more to work rather than being on leave. It also motivates them to perform better and with increased zeal and energy. However, too much of a relaxed attitude at work may lead to callousness and taking work also with the same easy going spirit. The founder of Infosys, Mr Narayan Murthy has a straightforward slogan for success keep your employees happy. He views that only those organizations can survive in the near future in which the work force shares a common goal with those of the organization (Express India, 2010). The company can do every possible thing under the sun to make its employees happy and flexible working is one such scheme. Especially for an employee who has kids or dependent parents to look after, such a scheme can ensure lifetime loyalty towards the organisation. However, this scheme is not free from disadvantages. For example a scheme such as work from home does not help cultivate the spirit of team work or working together as a team. Trainee employees are devoi d working alongside qualifies technicians. Providing equal opportunities is the fundamental part of the recruitment and selection process at Infosys. Applications are always encouraged from the under-represented groups of the society. Apart from a few solitude individual cases of labour lawsuits against the company where an India-born American citizen, is supposedly alleged that her bosses at  Infosyss  Fremont, California office discouraged her from taking day off on American holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas and refrained from paying her extra for working on a holiday according to California law, the Infosys has been practically devoid of any claims of discrimination. It can be said that the recruitment and selection process is pretty robust. As regards the dismissal process, it is said that Infosys is a company where employees can easily think of retiring. To be more precise, dismissals at Infosys have only been heard of at the initial selection stag es and once an employee has gone through the induction process, dismissal is a very rare phenomenon.